I spent a lot of time agonizing on how to start off. I just decided to let you get to know me a bit and share some insights and ideas.
I love to write and always wanted to write a book, but I can't seem to sit still long enough. I am finally realizing where my son gets his ADHD from. I always used to blame his father for it, but if I claim this one, I realize I still have a lot to blame his father for, so everything kinda balances out.
See, how I digress. Anyway, I have a lot to say. Some you may want to hear about and some you may not. That's okay - you don't have to read it all,but you might miss out on some juicy gossip, great parenting tip, recipe or a common cause if you don't.
I am going to use this forum as a way to share my insights, shopping tips, views on life, some parenting ideas I have found helpful, (even if they are a little off beat and just this side of legal) and my take on the public education system (I have worked in it for the last 7 years) - all from a single parent's perspective. So be prepared.I love to write and always wanted to write a book, but I can't seem to sit still long enough. I am finally realizing where my son gets his ADHD from. I always used to blame his father for it, but if I claim this one, I realize I still have a lot to blame his father for, so everything kinda balances out.
See, how I digress. Anyway, I have a lot to say. Some you may want to hear about and some you may not. That's okay - you don't have to read it all,but you might miss out on some juicy gossip, great parenting tip, recipe or a common cause if you don't.
I am not your typical stay at home soccer mom, after all, what single parent is? I do swear sometimes - of course only when angry, annoyed or watching a football game. And I even enjoy it! Also, I like a good glass, (or bottle) of wine as much as the next girl. After all, ALL things are better with wine.
If you don't believe in the wine theory try this - keep an open bottle of your favorite wine in the fridge. When it is time to pay the bills, pour your self a glass. Cable bill - 1 sip. Internet provider - another sip. Com Ed - well that bill is a least a two sipper and so on. By the time you are done with both the bills and the wine, your dwindling checkbook won't affect you that much. You might even start looking forward to bill paying time.
I have a unique way of looking at life and am trying to approach everything as a new adventure. That works out well with some things, but try yelling "wheeeee this ride is really fun" as you push a cart at the grocery store. You realize that not everyone shares your sense of adventure or zest for life.
So I hope you stick with me and have some fun. This is intended to be a fun forum to share some tips, and views and laughs. Hateful comments will not be tolerated here. If that bothers you - start your own blog and leave this on alone.
Well, it is time to go for now. Talk to you soon,
Deborah E.
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