Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If I Have A Voice... Should I Use It

As I have mentioned before, I used to work at a local school district - actually I have about 6 days left. I was recently RIFfed, along with 7 other paraprofessionals to help balance (?) the school's budget. ( we really don't make all that much. That is probably why custodial staff and lunchroom workers are also on the chopping block list).

Anyway, I realized the other day, while in the shower ( I seem to come up with some of my most creative ideas there), that while removing my from my post, the school board inadvertently gave a voice to the teachers in that school.

There have been a number of what I would call questionable decisions by the administration, and agreed to by the school board (some of whom are on their way out - btw).

I am wondering if I speak out  will I come off as someone spitting our sour grapes or a Norma Rae- like whistle blower. I would prefer the Norma Rae comparison, of course.

So, now that I have been given a voice...should I use it. I have read that "The pen is mightier than the sword" and in this case it could be.
Or what I say could be misconstrued as the rantings of a disillusioned and unhappy ex-worker.

I feel like I could help bring about change and be a voice for those that have none. Not just my fellow educators, but some under represented groups of students also.

I am not sure. Still pondering, but really curious about what you think.  Should I keep my peace and move on or speak of what bothers me?

Would like to know what you would do...

Until next time,

Deborah E.

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