Last night was our kickoff wine tasting event. While it went off very nicely, it was also a little bittersweet for me.....
As I looked around the table at the fantastic women that were there, and thought about the ones that were not, (or were texting us furiously), I am very grateful. I am lucky to have gotten to know them and call them my friends. I realize how blessed I am no matter where life may take me.
Every day has started with the sunny personality of EH. A great way to start the day! Our morning start off ritual is so ingrained and natural, I can't even think about not doing it after this year. I will surely miss that.
Lunch with MJ will surely be missed also. Her insightful insights and witty commentary add a great break to the day.
These are great women, great teachers and great friends who have helped me through one of the greatest challenges of my life - breast cancer. Without their compassion, generosity of both heart and spirit and endless support, I am not sure if I could have navigated that time in my life with such effortless looking grace. (It was only effortless because I had all of you supporting me..But shhh, let that be our secret).
And JM, there is no way I could have done any of it without YOU!
I want to say how much it meant to me what JR and NP and the 6th grade team did for me that year. Those are cherished memories and an incredible act of kindness.
So, as I wrap this up, I just want to say "Thank you" to this group for treating me as an equal, sharing your lives with me and allowing me to share mine with you.
Though I won't be seeing you everyday, at least we will keep in touch because of our love of wine..
I look forward to more great discussions, food, laughter and of course, the fierceness of SK, (You go girl!)
Just another reason to thank God for the invention of wine.
Oh...and my Martha Stewart recipe was a great success!!
Talk to you soon,
Deborah E.
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