A single woman's journey through life, surviving breast cancer, single motherhood, the child support system, and running a small business all while living on a budget?!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Saying Goodbye......?
As I was sitting in my last class of the day, with only 6 more minutes to go, I looked around at the students. Really looked.
I realized that I WILL miss being in a classroom. Classrooms have been a part of my life since 2007. English class. Social studies class (love), L.A. class, (not so much), Consumer Science and Sciences classes (two of my favorites). It seems funny to not be planning on going back.
I wonder, will I miss these particular students? Probably not. I will however miss the atmosphere of learning. I will miss spending my days trying to make an impact, even a small one, on a young mind. I love the idea of learning. Of seeking knowledge just for the sake of the knowledge. I love ferreting out facts and bits of information.
I am a bit idealistic. I have come to realize that my expectations of educating students falls short of the reality. Have I changed in the past seven years, or have the kids? Not really sure.
It seems to me, that as the years have passed, the level of respect from said students has shifted downward. Of course it could be my imagination. Has respecting an adult become passe. Is it old fashioned and a thing of the past, or am I sensitive. (Those who know me would not say it is the sensitivity thing).
While I am deciding what path to take next, I ponder the one I just stepped off of. I know I will miss the joy I felt coming to work. I really like school. I loved the teachers I worked with, enjoyed time after hours spent with these people who have become cherished friends, the smell of books, the atmosphere of new beginnings, creative ideas and believing that anything is possible.
Of course I won't miss the sass, the way some middle school kids can be so mean to their peers, the fact that some feel free to mock, mumble and disparage the adults trying to educate them, and their utter disregard for the education process in general. While that is not all, it seems that as the years pass, the numbers grow.
While deciding what to do from here. I often ask myself, (and others), is this level of disdain from students everywhere, or just at this building? Can I continue to cope with obnoxious attitude and not lose my mind? But most of all, I ask ..."What happened". When did teachers become the bad guys and learning new ideas, working hard for acknowledgment, and setting high expectations become such an outdated ideal? Or is it just me?
I am not sure.
For now though, I will take this time to clear my brain and take a break from the kids. Maybe that is all I need. Get rid of the cobwebs. Start fresh at a new school where disrespecting adults is not tolerated, the kids are expected to bring a pencil to class, do their homework, pass their classes through hard work and studying and respect the staff and fellow students.
If you know of such a place.....let me know. I can travel....even to Fantasyland.
Until later,
Deborah E.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
It's Decoration Day
Happy Memorial day Weekend!
Out at the park enjoying the official kick-off to summer.
I am of course wearing jeans, long sleeves and a hoodie. It seems that every year the weather before the Memorial Day weekend is warm, sometimes even downright hot, but as the weekend approaches, so does the rain. Oh well. Enjoy it anyway.
We are listening to the live music and smoky smells of Westmont's, Red, White and Blue BBQ competition, (To be televised this year). Enjoying the day made possible by the sacrifices of so many men and women.
In case you didn't know this, Memorial Day started out as Decoration Day. It originated after the Civil War to commemorate the soldiers who died. Eventually it became a time to honor all of those men and women who died while in the military service.
So, I wanted to take a minute to wish you all a great weekend and to salute the sacrifices of our men and women in the Armed Forces. And to tell their families "Thank you and God Bless". I have a friend who lost a son in the service and I salute her and her family's sacrifices and all of the military and their families.
God Bless and Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone!
Deborah E.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
If I Have A Voice... Should I Use It
As I have mentioned before, I used to work at a local school district - actually I have about 6 days left. I was recently RIFfed, along with 7 other paraprofessionals to help balance (?) the school's budget. ( we really don't make all that much. That is probably why custodial staff and lunchroom workers are also on the chopping block list).
Anyway, I realized the other day, while in the shower ( I seem to come up with some of my most creative ideas there), that while removing my from my post, the school board inadvertently gave a voice to the teachers in that school.
There have been a number of what I would call questionable decisions by the administration, and agreed to by the school board (some of whom are on their way out - btw).
I am wondering if I speak out will I come off as someone spitting our sour grapes or a Norma Rae- like whistle blower. I would prefer the Norma Rae comparison, of course.
So, now that I have been given a voice...should I use it. I have read that "The pen is mightier than the sword" and in this case it could be.
Or what I say could be misconstrued as the rantings of a disillusioned and unhappy ex-worker.
I feel like I could help bring about change and be a voice for those that have none. Not just my fellow educators, but some under represented groups of students also.
I am not sure. Still pondering, but really curious about what you think. Should I keep my peace and move on or speak of what bothers me?
Would like to know what you would do...
Until next time,
Deborah E.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Oh What A Night..
Last night was our kickoff wine tasting event. While it went off very nicely, it was also a little bittersweet for me.....
As I looked around the table at the fantastic women that were there, and thought about the ones that were not, (or were texting us furiously), I am very grateful. I am lucky to have gotten to know them and call them my friends. I realize how blessed I am no matter where life may take me.
Every day has started with the sunny personality of EH. A great way to start the day! Our morning start off ritual is so ingrained and natural, I can't even think about not doing it after this year. I will surely miss that.
Lunch with MJ will surely be missed also. Her insightful insights and witty commentary add a great break to the day.
These are great women, great teachers and great friends who have helped me through one of the greatest challenges of my life - breast cancer. Without their compassion, generosity of both heart and spirit and endless support, I am not sure if I could have navigated that time in my life with such effortless looking grace. (It was only effortless because I had all of you supporting me..But shhh, let that be our secret).
And JM, there is no way I could have done any of it without YOU!
I want to say how much it meant to me what JR and NP and the 6th grade team did for me that year. Those are cherished memories and an incredible act of kindness.
So, as I wrap this up, I just want to say "Thank you" to this group for treating me as an equal, sharing your lives with me and allowing me to share mine with you.
Though I won't be seeing you everyday, at least we will keep in touch because of our love of wine..
I look forward to more great discussions, food, laughter and of course, the fierceness of SK, (You go girl!)
Just another reason to thank God for the invention of wine.
Oh...and my Martha Stewart recipe was a great success!!
Talk to you soon,
Deborah E.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wine Tasting Anyone...
Tomorrow night I am hosting the kickoff of a new monthly wine tasting group! What is a wine tasting group you might ask, (besides the obvious. of course)
For us it is a group of friends getting together under the guise of higher education, to learn a little something about wine. Really... we are.
How it works is like this: We will each pick a month and a country out of a hat, or ice bucket..etc., then get together and bring food and wine from the monthly hostess's region.
This is a great way to learn what wines pair with certain types of food. YOu also learn what wines are your favorites - with or without food. (This comes in handy in case you want to cut back on calories by skipping the food altogether).
Tomorrow we are starting with Germany. If you decide to incorporate this educational experiece into your life, the kickoff hostess gets to pick her country. We will of course toss Germany back in the hat. If your wondering why, you have never had a great German wine....or maybe there is just something wrong with you.
So I am off to Aldi, (yes, I do shop at Aldi, after all sauerkraut is sauerkraut) and Trafer Joe's. I need to pick some things that are on my Martha Stewart recipe. (I am no Martha, but I try). I also have a list of wine possibilites. I think I have tried all of the German wines at TJ's, but a girl can hope.
I will let you know how it all turns out!
Just remember, this activity is a great way to learn about wine, drink wine, spend time with friends, eat, drink wine and laugh. If anyone questions your devotion to your group, please state the obvious - This is an educational experience and you are the kind of girl who is all about expanding your intelligence and furthering your education.
Talk to you soon,
Deborah E.
Tomorrow night I am hosting the kickoff of a new monthly wine tasting group! What is a wine tasting group you might ask, (besides the obvious. of course)
For us it is a group of friends getting together under the guise of higher education, to learn a little something about wine. Really... we are.

This is a great way to learn what wines pair with certain types of food. YOu also learn what wines are your favorites - with or without food. (This comes in handy in case you want to cut back on calories by skipping the food altogether).
Tomorrow we are starting with Germany. If you decide to incorporate this educational experiece into your life, the kickoff hostess gets to pick her country. We will of course toss Germany back in the hat. If your wondering why, you have never had a great German wine....or maybe there is just something wrong with you.
So I am off to Aldi, (yes, I do shop at Aldi, after all sauerkraut is sauerkraut) and Trafer Joe's. I need to pick some things that are on my Martha Stewart recipe. (I am no Martha, but I try). I also have a list of wine possibilites. I think I have tried all of the German wines at TJ's, but a girl can hope.
I will let you know how it all turns out!
Just remember, this activity is a great way to learn about wine, drink wine, spend time with friends, eat, drink wine and laugh. If anyone questions your devotion to your group, please state the obvious - This is an educational experience and you are the kind of girl who is all about expanding your intelligence and furthering your education.
Talk to you soon,
Deborah E.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
This Is MY Blog and I Don't Care If You Like it
I spent a lot of time agonizing on how to start off. I just decided to let you get to know me a bit and share some insights and ideas.
I love to write and always wanted to write a book, but I can't seem to sit still long enough. I am finally realizing where my son gets his ADHD from. I always used to blame his father for it, but if I claim this one, I realize I still have a lot to blame his father for, so everything kinda balances out.
See, how I digress. Anyway, I have a lot to say. Some you may want to hear about and some you may not. That's okay - you don't have to read it all,but you might miss out on some juicy gossip, great parenting tip, recipe or a common cause if you don't.
I am going to use this forum as a way to share my insights, shopping tips, views on life, some parenting ideas I have found helpful, (even if they are a little off beat and just this side of legal) and my take on the public education system (I have worked in it for the last 7 years) - all from a single parent's perspective. So be prepared.I love to write and always wanted to write a book, but I can't seem to sit still long enough. I am finally realizing where my son gets his ADHD from. I always used to blame his father for it, but if I claim this one, I realize I still have a lot to blame his father for, so everything kinda balances out.
See, how I digress. Anyway, I have a lot to say. Some you may want to hear about and some you may not. That's okay - you don't have to read it all,but you might miss out on some juicy gossip, great parenting tip, recipe or a common cause if you don't.
I am not your typical stay at home soccer mom, after all, what single parent is? I do swear sometimes - of course only when angry, annoyed or watching a football game. And I even enjoy it! Also, I like a good glass, (or bottle) of wine as much as the next girl. After all, ALL things are better with wine.
If you don't believe in the wine theory try this - keep an open bottle of your favorite wine in the fridge. When it is time to pay the bills, pour your self a glass. Cable bill - 1 sip. Internet provider - another sip. Com Ed - well that bill is a least a two sipper and so on. By the time you are done with both the bills and the wine, your dwindling checkbook won't affect you that much. You might even start looking forward to bill paying time.
I have a unique way of looking at life and am trying to approach everything as a new adventure. That works out well with some things, but try yelling "wheeeee this ride is really fun" as you push a cart at the grocery store. You realize that not everyone shares your sense of adventure or zest for life.
So I hope you stick with me and have some fun. This is intended to be a fun forum to share some tips, and views and laughs. Hateful comments will not be tolerated here. If that bothers you - start your own blog and leave this on alone.
Well, it is time to go for now. Talk to you soon,
Deborah E.
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