Monday, September 2, 2013

So Many Naked Necks ......So Little Time (Sigh)

Hi out there

As I was previously undecided about what track to take with this blog, ( and determined to continue because I love to write), I have decided to become a SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTER, like so many others in this world, of my jewelry line Designed In Stone, while helping you become better accessorized and more fashion savvy!

Designed In Stone uses all REAL stones. No plastic please. Each piece is an original, one of a kind design. No copies here.

I am going to try to put up a new design tip or fix a fashion blunder at least once a week. In between my shopping, jewelry making, wine drinking and fashion spying at the local mall.  Unless a see a real fashion faux pas or wardrobe blunder. Then I will run right here and share it with you!

I am going to kick it off with a fashion no no that i really hate. The "naked" neck. Come on ladies...I see so many well dressed women walking around with no jewelery on. Really! Can you believe that. Just the other day, I was watching NBC 5 news here in Chicago and Lee Ann Trotter was talking about something. All I heard was blah blah blah, because I was so flabbergasted that with the gorgeous orange dress she was wearing - she had a NAKED NECK.

With Designed In Stone, (here is the shameless self-promotion) constantly creating original pieces and at really affordable prices, why oh why was this girl not accessorized?

I wanted to give you an example of how a stylish necklace can rally make an outfit, so I asked my friend Chris to come over in a white tee and jeans to help me prove my point.

Pay attention all you naked necks out there.

So happy to be getting a necklace
to wear,  from Designed In Stone
I chose Chris because she is a great example of a woman who knows the value of ACCESSORIES! No matter where she is going or what she's wearing, she is always styled to the nines, (with Designed In Stone pieces of course). She is a master at finishing off every outfit with a great jewelry piece. From where else? You guessed it - D. I. S. She knows that you can elevate any look with the right accessory.

Wow. I really feel relaxed now that I
am so well accessorized.
Take a look at my before and after photos. In the first photo - no jewelry. The white tee and jeans are plain and are rather forgettable. (Why is she looking so happy then you may ask? Well, it was either the case of jewelry or the bottle of wine I opened. You tell me...)

In the next two photos, you can see the difference. See how polished the same white tee and jeans look

with a coordinating necklace like the blue lapis lazuli or the sea sediment jasper. Both necklaces available at my store - . Thank you Chris for being such a great model for today's fashion tip!

So if you take anything away from this ladies, it is please, please take the time to snap on a great piece of jewelry before you leave the house.
Of course you will look so much better, and BE THE ENVY OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS, if you are wearing an originally designed, REAL stone necklace from Designed In Stone.

Let's try and stamp out naked necks everywhere!

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