In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I am going to veer off my usual topic and talk about my cancer and being a survivor and why in the heck I designed this necklace.
First of all, I try to never think about having breast cancer. ( I am afraid to jinx myself and have it come back - I know...crazy huh?). I was watching Parenthood on Thursday. (I love that show but couldn't watch it last year when Christina was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was too soon for me. My friend Ellen was kind enough to keep me updated - thanks Ellen!)
On the show the other night when Christina said that she wasn't "cured", and that the doctors don't say that until you survive 5 years cancer free, it really made an impression on me. I realize that I am only two years in and still have three more to go.
It already seems like a lifetime. Three more years, holy crap! Let me tell you, for a girl who is not afraid of much, the thought of having it return terrifies me.
No matter what anyone says, cancer treatment sucks!
You know you are deliberately poisoning yourself in order to survive. What sane person does that? Yet you keep on going to chemotherapy because the will to survive is stronger that anything. You do it for yourself, your kids.. whatever. You learn what you are made of, that's for sure.
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Even now, as I write this, the thought of those treatments is enough to cause me to have a meltdown.
There were the girls at work that were so supportive, ( you know who you are - hint, hint, 6th grade team & MJL & EH), making sure I got out of the house, that the bills were paid, and that we had stuff to eat. (I love you guys for that!) Not to mention, my two friends that were with me through the surgeries and doctor visits, holding my hand and keeping me upright-Chris & Teesi, this one's for you!
I have to mention my sister Laura too, while I am going on and on.. She has become my biggest cheerleader and supporter. As much as it sucked, cancer brought us closer together than I ever thought possible and my day is a little more lonely when we don't talk at least once.
And don't think I forgot, but I need to really thank the two greatest kids in the world! I would not have made it through this without their never ending love and support! I love you boys!
This all brings me to my point, however. ( are probably thinking.) While at chemotherapy, we saw so many women, who had no support system and were going through this terrible ordeal all by themselves. I can't even imagine. It is hard enough to lose your hair, be sick all the time, have terrible reactions to the medication, have to take more medication to counteract those side effects, and become a ghost of your former self, but to do that and be all alone?
So I designed the "Because You're Beautiful" necklace in honor of every woman who is going through or had to go through this treatment. It is a way for YOU to show your friend or loved one, that SHE is beautiful to you, no matter what. When you have no hair, and you are looking pretty pale, sometimes the only way to feel attractive is to put on a great piece of jewelry when you have to go out. I understand this better than most.
This necklace comes with a card for your friend and a matching bracelet for you.
Even if you don't know anyone going through cancer treatment - get one and take it to your local treatment center and brighten some one's day!
Wow, you might think. What a bitch...using this as a shameless plug. Well, not really. I am donating 10% of the profits from the sale of this necklace to the Look Good Feel Better program. If you are not familiar with this it is an organization that holds group workshops that teach beauty techniques to female cancer patients. These workshops help women minimize the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment.
They state on their website that "Cancer can rob a woman of her energy, appetite and strength. But it doesn’t have to take away her self-confidence." I couldn't agree more! My friend Kelly told me the other night, that "I handled the treatment like a champ and that if she didn't know it, she would never have guessed what I was going through" My God is she kind or what? I decided to live my life as best as I could, while vowing that this disease would not break me! I was able to do this because, well..,I am a pretty strong lady, but also because of what I learned at this class.
So if you are interested, you can get more information on the "Because You're Beautiful" necklace at www.designedinstone,
If you have a survivor support story to tell, I would love to hear it. If you are going through treatment, YOU CAN DO IT!
Hang in there and remember, YOU can do anything,
Deborah E
***I also want to give a "shout out" to the good people at DAKOTA STONES who were kind enough to choose me as their designer of the month for October and ask me to create something for Breast Cancer Awareness and provided me with a sample of stones that I turned into the friendship bracelet!
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