Friday, August 16, 2013

Do You Have A Vagina?...No. Then SHUT UP!

I know it has been awhile, but I was struggling with the direction I wanted to go with this blog. I was also trying really hard to keep politics out of it.  But honestly, with the state of government these days,   I really feel compelled to say something.  To say nothing is really against my nature. Besides, I have found that speaking my mind is really freeing....

Just ask the guy who cut me off at the gas station, or the woman who got up in my grills at the grocery store....

So I hope you hang around, while I get the hang of this and find my direction. It will surely be fun in the meantime.

Anyway, by now you might be asking me what is up with the whole vagina thing. Well here goes...

On June 30th of this year, I happened to have on "Meet the Press". Big mistake. Most of those idiots make me insane. On this particular show, was a certain retired Senator who I found to be arrogant and ridiculous. Jim DeMint (R-SC).

 His comments on women's health and then  how some women wanted the state to force them to have an ultrasound, made me want to jump through the T.V. screen and throttle him, because he is not just talking about any ultra sounds he is talking about  women being subjected to trans-vaginal ultrasounds.   
Thank God for the voice of reason! MSNBC host Rachel Maddow pointed out that women weren’t given the opportunity to have an ultrasound, they were forced to have a medically unnecessary ultrasound by the state. But of course DeMint assured her that women want that.

Really, he would know that how? Does he have a vagina? Pretty sure not.

So, being a woman, when I look at these two, I think one is more qualified to talk about women's health issues. Hello. I am pretty sure we have a term for forcing something up a women's vagina without her consent,,,,and it doesn't fall under the positive health benefit category. 

Really, how would he like it if he was required to have something forced up his penis and be told it was for his own good and he really wanted it?

How is it, that a bunch of these politicians who don't have a vagina want to tell those who do what is good for them. Really guys...shut up!

And ladies, least I forget to mention this... No matter what your stand on abortion, (and I take NO sides here), when we let Congressman pass bills that give the state or Federal government ANY right over OUR BODIES, we are really taking a step backward.

As an intelligent, upright, breathing female with an IQ over 10, I know that I do not need some politician making decisions over the body that God, (and my parents) gave to me. 

(Alice Paul, who endured harassment, imprisonment, forced feedings, and threats, to give us equal rights, would be rolling over in her grave, to see women today casting her sacrifices aside so carelessly.)
So be careful ladies, once we give away even the smallest control over our bodies and have even one of our choices denied by the state, all on the grounds that the legislature is doing "what is best for us" , what comes next? A Burka?